
A tool for editing voicebank of UTAU singing synthesizing tool, a bit more effeciently.


Latest version / 最新版本:0.2.2 Download/下载


Features: 功能主治:

Browse/modify oto.ini, quick search, filtering; 查看/修改Oto文件,快速搜索定位,查找过滤;
3 ways of positioning numeric parameters with Ctrl/Shift held; 传统修改、Shift独立修改、Ctrl整体连动;
Locking specefic parameter; 可锁定特定区间长度;
Arrow keys to navigate among the items and waveform; 用方向键切换与移动,方便键盘鼠标配合操作;
Right-click in the main window to switch wave displaying mode; 主窗口内右键切换波形显示方式;
Load from and save to a backup; 支持存取一个备份版本;
Adjustable file IO / Displaying / fine name encoding; 设定文件读写编码、显示编码、文件名编码;
Adjustable numeric parameters rounding; 可设置数字型参数保留位数;
Oto Script for manipulating, supports VBScript and JScript; 自定义oto脚本,支持VBS和微软JS;

changelog / 更新日志

by farter
